Monday, January 30, 2017

Health, Change and Music

Well you are so right dad that you have to choose if its going to be a good day or week. This week was amazing though. I think for a number of reasons. The First one I've thought of is that sister Peterson and I finally went to the a chiropractor on wednesday. Not just a pop, pop, Crack, Crack chiropractor though. His name is Doctor Bowser ( haha very Ironic I know) and he has a very special technique that is very similar to the nutrition specialist and reading your body to let it tell you what you need. No pops necessary. My neck and shoulder had been bugging me and so he used an activation clicker thing to try to get the vertebrae back in place. He said that it was primarily because of bad posture when sitting, standing and also from how we sleep. My pillow is fine, but he gave us both an exercise to do to help us improve our posture and I have been really trying to sit up straight and sleep on my back and not pop my back on my own, like he said. It is building new muscle to support the weight of my neck arms in a new way. Way too much info there but I am definitely taking you both to Doctor Bowser when you come to visit my mission.

Another reason I think I have been feeling better and having so much success is because I have been eating healthier. Gluten/dairy free as much as possible and either doing abb workouts ( sister johnson our roommate has insanity) and Im up to running 2 miles on treadmill​ every other day. I am back to 150 and hope to lose soon. hopefully I get the discs in the mail today dad. I'm super excited. :) By the way I got your letter on Thursday mom and sister peterson and I are going to try that recipe for hockey pucks even though we don't love the name :/ 

Reason number 3 is that I have really felt this weeks theme.  Change.  Being with sister Peterson has really helped me to take the lead in my area and use my personality to be more bold and friendly with people. Depending on who I am with, I can be more reserved or I can be more bold and outward moving. Because sister Peterson is a more reserved person and I am. It brings out my outward movement more. Because of this I have really been able to be myself and practice and learn how to talk to strangers more comfortably. I also don't want to leave sister Peterson in the dust so to speak. I want to help her with knowing the strengths that she contributes to the world and to the work. She can be hard on herself and not always feel adequate around me and I don't want that. I have been praying to be able to recognize her strengths to help her recognize them. She is so sweet and calm. She helps me to just go with the flow and we have really grown close and work very well together ( we believe she's a 2 but still figuring it out). We have seen soooo many miracles this week with just being in the right place at the right time and I am so grateful for the change that is coming because of daily repentance and accepting the gift of the atonement each day. Our Zone training meeting was kind of the start of this theme of change for me. I desire to change. Yesterday I kind of got carried away with the work a little too much and I missed the mark. There needs to be a balance in following Gods will and being bold. If you go too far, He can't work through you and If you don't give enough then He can't work through you as well, either. Some really cool scriptures to check out about consecration is Alma 48:14-16 and the scripture I'm memorizing today to go along with my going beyond the mark is Mosiah 4:27. It continues to amaze me just how well Heavenly Father knows us. He knew excalty where and when I needed to read that scripture to help me with what I am going through right now. I know that if we follow the promptings of the spirit and are in an environment and state to receive them, then we can and will be instruments in Gods hand to do His work and will.

I thought of something else I want for my birthday. Music!! I have been vegging off of my comps music for ages. Would It be too much to ask for a Usb with music on it. I love efy/ the youth albums. "Some one he can Count on" "Look up" "lift your eye" "Its not about you" "You already know it" are a few that I've come to love that you might be able to find on Also I would love some motab and any instrumental classical stuff you can find. So the 3 cars we have in the mission are Chevy cruises, which we have right now, and they don't have usb ports. But the Toyota Corollas and Chevy Malibu's do. Maybe we'll get one soon because they are trying to get rid of the Chevy cruses( many a trip to the shop in those :)) so I'd love a usb. but maybe if you could send a few mormon tab CD's and some classical that would be amazing! I'm still looking for a bag but I'm going to try and find one myself and I think I might buy myself a set of PJs too. Is that OK for my Birthday Presents?

I love you guys! give my love and support to the girls and also to the ward and our neighbors. 

Just keep Swimming!


Sister Crossett

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