Friday, September 2, 2016

Figuring it out

I did not get an email to give to everyone with cool events of the week this time.   She sent me two short ones that give an idea of how things are going along with some things just for the family, which I edited. 

Hey Mom, 

I did get your other email. It is a little frustrating when I can only reply to emails once a week. It can be overwhelming to answer so many in a short time period. I'm supposed to only email for about an hour on p-day which is today. I kinda didn't remember that rule last week. There are a lot (of rules ?)and I kind of slacked off about them last week but I am trying to do better. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I need. I don't have a lot of time to just breath and organize things all the time. ....
I don't know if it would be easier if I just email or send letters. ....
I know I sound like I'm really stressed out. It hasn't been like this the whole time.  This week has actually been really good. I'm just having a bad day.  
If you get this right now I may be able to respond to you again when we get back from lunch. I love you mom. Tell everyone else I love them too. 

And then later . . .

One more thing. here at the MTC we have the opportunity to teach possible investigators. Its called TRC. They never tell us if they are real investigators or not but some of them very well may be. Our first 2 that we met with went ok but didn't really go anywhere. Our last TRC though was named Erika. I love her to death!! She is so complex though. We didn't get very far with her either but I got her email address and told her we would stay in touch.
that is all :)

I'm sure Grace loves and needs to hear from all of you!  She is a deliberate reader and writer so it takes her a little more time than some to enjoy your words and respond.  Write her a paper letter and send it, that way she can have time on P-Day to send a general email of information and still follow the rules, exactly, like she wants to, and we will all get the news we want.  ;)

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