Monday, December 19, 2016

Light of Christ

mommy mommy mommy!!

thank you for your email and word of advise about working with others. Sister Hawkins and I passed our test this week, meaning we made it through the mist of darkness and the Spirit of Contention is leaving. We got a lot of help from President, our Sister Training leaders, and from Priesthood Blessings. We are learning so much from each other and have come a long way. I really hope we get to stay together for another transfer and continue to grow and Stretch. We have been thinking a lot about the gift of Discernment and we actually are giving the lesson at our FHE tonight about it. We have FHE Every week at our Stake presidents house and sometimes investigators and others are there too. I would love some Vitamin C if that is a possibility. 

Nicole and Kayla are the ones with us in the Picture. They are investigators we are trying to build trust with. Nicole is a chatter but they are both so funny. We are just taking it slow with them and hopefully we can teach them more soon. Its really cool that sister Hawkins and I are so different. I have been learning to trust her more, especially in the work. We had a really cool experience on Saturday night. We knocked on the door of a potential we had contacted earlier in the week named Christian. He told us we could come back another time so we tried and a woman answered the door this time and invited us right in. It was a scene that was not the ideal setting for missionaries ( Siguarette smoke, beer bottles, Blaring TV) and I was very uneasy about the whole situation for a while, but sister Hawkins just walked right in. Tammy was the mom of these boys and she offered for us to sit down and share something with them. Sister Hawkins talked mostly at first. I was still feeling uneasy. As I sat there I saw a mirror hanging on the wall. On it was written in Red Lipstick, " What would Jesus Do". I Began to think about it and I realized that Jesus would be exaclty where we were right then. No judgement, just teaching anyone who would listen. As we talked more with these 3 boys they perked up a little more and I know they were feeling the spirit. It was just a really cool experience of the power that the light of Christ and the spirit has on every individual. As missionaries, we are just the guides. We bring the spirit unto their hearts and only they can let it into their hearts.

I know that Heavenly Father Has put specific people into our lives so we can learn from them but also so they can help us and strengthen us. I am so Grateful for the Plan of Happiness and for our Savior Jesus Christ and his love and sacrifice for us.
I hope you are all sharing His Light with the World this Christmas Season. Even the little things can make a big difference. 

Love and prayers to all,
Sister Crossett

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